Photo Store Clarification


1. Data Controller, Personal Data Categories and Collection Methods

Your personal data, in the form of visual and audio data is collected from you through digital data transfer in electronic media by an entirely or partially automated data transfer process. This is carried out in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (KVKK No. 6698) and processed by us, Eko Temalı Parklar Turizm İşletmeleri Anonim Şirket (the “Company”) as the data controller in the scope of the information set out below.

2. Purposes and Legal Reasons for Processing Personal Data

The personal data we collect is processed for the following purposes and legal reasons.

Data Processing Purpose

Data Category

Legal Purpose

Selling goods/services and marketing processes

Visual and Audio Records

KVKK No. 6698 Article 5/1

The relevant person must give explicit consent

To carry out activities and organisational processes

For marketing and promotional processes

To enable storage and archiving operations


3. Transfer of Personal Data

Your personal data is not shared with third parties.

4. Procedures and Principles for Requests

As a data subject, you can submit requests in line with your rights as stipulated in KVKK No. 6698 Article 11, by completing the Application Form Concerning the Protection of Personal Data, which you can find on our website at Alternatively, you can submit your request to us using any of the following methods, provided that it meets the minimum conditions stipulated in the Declaration of Procedures and Principles for Applications to Data Controllers. As the Company, we will deal with your request free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of your request. However, if this procedure incurs any separate costs, the Company will make a charge as set out in the tariffs determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.

How to Apply

Application Address

Electronic messages sent via registered email.

Messages sent using the email address we have registered in our system for you or with a secure electronic signature or mobile signature.

Written applications submitted in writing in person or through a notary.

Kadriye Mahallesi Atatürk Cadde No: 104/1 Serik Antalya


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